which set of order pairs in the form of (x,y) does not represented a function of x


The set of order pairs that does not represent a function of x is:


This is because for x = 1, there are two different values of y (1.5 and 4.5) in the set. In a function, for each unique value of x, there should be only one unique value of y.

The set of ordered pairs that does not represent a function of x is:


In a function, each x-value can only have one corresponding y-value. However, in this set, the x-value 1 is associated with two different y-values, 4.5 and 1.5. Hence, it violates the definition of a function.

To determine which set of ordered pairs does not represent a function of x, we need to check if there are any repeated x-values with different y-values.

Let's analyze each set:

Set 1: {(1,1.5),(2,1.5),(3,1.5),(4,1.5)}
All x-values are different, and each x-value corresponds to the same y-value. This set represents a function of x.

Set 2: {(0,1.5),(2,2.5),(1,4.5),(1,4.5)}
In this set, we have a repeated x-value (1) with two different y-values (4.5 and 1.5). This set does not represent a function of x.

Set 3: {(1,1.5),(-1,1.5),(2,2.5),(-2,2.5)}
All x-values are different in this set, and each x-value corresponds to the same y-value. This set represents a function of x.

Set 4: {(1,1.5),(-1,1.5),(2,2.5),(-2,2.5)}
This set is the same as Set 3. Both sets contain the same ordered pairs, so they represent the same function of x.

Therefore, the set that does not represent a function of x is Set 2: {(0,1.5),(2,2.5),(1,4.5),(1,4.5)}.