The order pairs (1,1), (2,16), (3,81), (4,256), (5,625) represent A function. What is a rule that represents this function

The rule is y = x^2.


look at the third (3, 81)

81 ≠ 3^2
but 3^4 = 81, and 4^4 = 256, and 5^4 = 625

so y = x^4

To find a rule that represents the given function, we need to identify the relationship between the input (x-values) and the output (y-values) in the given pairs.

By observing the given pairs, it appears that the y-value is obtained by raising the corresponding x-value to the power of 4.

Therefore, the rule that represents this function is:

y = x^4

In other words, the function takes an input value (x) and outputs the value obtained by raising that input value to the power of 4.

Good grief !!!! Please, please stop it "answer"