Select the correct text in the passage.

Which sentence shows that Sebastien will need to attend entrance counseling and sign a promissory note?
Sebastien wants to take a certificate course in Computer Graphics. He has a brother who is in junior high school. Although Sebastien’s parents have saved a lot of money to fund their sons’ education, Sebastien will need some help to get the education he wants. As advised by his mother, Sebastien filed the FAFSA in January. He was happy to learn that he would be given a loan to cover all college expenses. Sebastien wanted to opt for the work-study program too but his family advised him against it. They were worried that it may not leave him enough time to study. Sebastien had applied for a scholarship along with his friend. While his friend was awarded the scholarship, Sebastien was denied it.

Sebastien was happy to learn that he would be given a loan to cover all college expenses.

The sentence that shows that Sebastien will need to attend entrance counseling and sign a promissory note is:

"He was happy to learn that he would be given a loan to cover all college expenses."

The sentence that shows that Sebastien will need to attend entrance counseling and sign a promissory note is: "He was happy to learn that he would be given a loan to cover all college expenses."