Rank these elements from highest to lowest electronegativity

Li, Na, Rb

The electronegativity of an element increases from left to right across a period and decreases from top to bottom within a group on the periodic table.

Therefore, the ranking of the elements from highest to lowest electronegativity is:

1. Rb (Rubidium)
2. Na (Sodium)
3. Li (Lithium)

To rank these elements from highest to lowest electronegativity, we need to look at their positions on the periodic table. Electronegativity generally increases from left to right across a period and decreases from top to bottom within a group.

Li (Lithium) is located in period 2, while Na (Sodium) and Rb (Rubidium) are both located in period 3.

Among these elements, Rb (Rubidium) has the highest electronegativity because it is located further to the right on the periodic table compared to the other two elements.

Next comes Na (Sodium), which has a slightly lower electronegativity than Rb.

Finally, Li (Lithium) has the lowest electronegativity among the three elements.

So, the ranking from highest to lowest electronegativity is:

1. Rb (Rubidium)
2. Na (Sodium)
3. Li (Lithium)

To rank the elements Li, Na, and Rb from highest to lowest electronegativity, we need to look at the periodic table. Electronegativity generally increases from left to right across a period and decreases from top to bottom within a group.

1. First, let's locate these elements on the periodic table:
- Li = Lithium (atomic number 3)
- Na = Sodium (atomic number 11)
- Rb = Rubidium (atomic number 37)

2. Next, we observe that these elements are all in the same group, Group 1 (alkali metals), which suggests that their electronegativity follows a decreasing trend from top to bottom.

3. Therefore, using this trend, we can rank the elements as follows:
- Rb (Rubidium) has the highest electronegativity.
- Na (Sodium) has a slightly lower electronegativity.
- Li (Lithium) has the lowest electronegativity among the three.

So, the ranking from highest to lowest electronegativity is Rb, Na, Li.