Group 1 elements have an average electronegativity of 0.84 (not including hydrogen). Group 17 elements have an average electronegativity of 2.99. These two groups often form bonds. Given this information, which kind of bond will they likely form (ionic or covalent), and what evidence supports your claim? If it is ionic, then include which group gives up its electron to the other group. In three to five sentences, explain your reasoning.(4 points)

Based on the given information, it can be inferred that Group 1 elements have a lower electronegativity than Group 17 elements. Electronegativity refers to the ability of an atom to attract electrons towards itself when forming a bond. A large difference in electronegativity between two atoms usually results in an ionic bond, while a small difference indicates a covalent bond.

The average electronegativity of 0.84 for Group 1 elements suggests that they have a low electron-attracting capacity. In contrast, Group 17 elements have an average electronegativity of 2.99, indicating a higher electron-attracting capacity. The large difference in electronegativity between these two groups suggests that they are likely to form ionic bonds. In an ionic bond, electrons are transferred from the lower electronegative group (Group 1) to the higher electronegative group (Group 17). Therefore, Group 1 elements would give up their electron(s) to Group 17 elements, thus forming an ionic bond between them.