which of the following is one question to ask when evaluating an introduction?


how did the writer grab the attention of the reader

how does the introduction have a strong closing idea

how many sentences does the introduction have

what support is provided to explain the topic

- How did the writer grab the attention of the reader?

One question to ask when evaluating an introduction is: "How did the writer grab the attention of the reader?"

To evaluate an introduction, one question to ask is: "How did the writer grab the attention of the reader?"

To answer this question, you can analyze the introduction to identify any attention-grabbing techniques or strategies used by the writer. Look for elements such as an intriguing opening statement, a provocative question, a vivid description, or a compelling anecdote that hooks the reader's interest. Pay attention to any specific literary devices or rhetorical techniques employed by the writer to create engagement and captivate the reader.

By examining the introductory paragraph closely and considering the writer's choices, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the introduction in grabbing the attention of the reader.