On the piano, the pitches/notes used on the bass clef are located on what part of the keyboard?

(1 point)

the middle section
the middle section

the far right section
the far right section

the far left section
the far left section

the black keys in the middle

the far left section

The pitches/notes used on the bass clef are located on the far left section of the keyboard.

The pitches/notes used on the bass clef are located in the far left section of the piano keyboard. To understand this, let me explain a bit about the keyboard layout.

The piano keyboard consists of both white and black keys. The black keys are arranged in groups of two and three, while the white keys form the majority of the keyboard. The bass clef, also known as the F clef, is typically played by the left hand and represents lower notes.

On the piano, the leftmost section contains the lowest-pitched "A" key. This section is where the low notes of the bass clef are played. As you move towards the right on the keyboard, the pitches become higher.

So, in summary, the pitches/notes used on the bass clef are located on the far left section of the piano keyboard.