Use the following image to answer the question.

Two measures of a treble-clef staff in four-four time are shown.Two measures of a treble-clef staff in four-four time are shown. Quarter notes ascend the staff in a scale: C D E F G A B C. The solfège syllables Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do are printed below the eight notes of the scale.

Which scale is shown?
(1 point)

C major
C major

A major
A major

D major
D major

F major

C major

To determine the scale shown in the image, you can analyze the notes on the staff and match them with the corresponding scale. The image provides the following information:

- The scale is ascending, starting from C and ending on C.
- The solfège syllables are also provided, indicating the pitch of each note.

We can compare the given information with the major scales to find a match.

Comparing the notes on the staff with the C major scale:


The notes on the staff align perfectly with the C major scale. Therefore, the answer is:

C major.

Based on the image provided, the scale shown is C major. The quarter notes ascending the staff follow the pattern of a C major scale: C D E F G A B C. Therefore, the correct answer is C major.