A popular cell phone manufacturer begins selling a new phone with many unique features. Lots of people want to buy the new phone. The old phone cost $149.00. What is the most likely price of the new phone?

(1 point)








Based on the information given, it is most likely that the price of the new phone will be $199.00.

Based on the given information, the most likely price of the new phone is $199.00 as it is mentioned that the new phone has many unique features.

To find the most likely price of the new phone, we can analyze the information given. The old phone cost $149.00, but the question states that the new phone has many unique features and is popular among people. Since the new phone has additional features and is in demand, it is reasonable to assume that the price of the new phone would likely be higher than the old phone.

Looking at the given options, we can eliminate $79.00 and $129.00 as being potentially too low for a phone with many unique features and high demand. The remaining options are $149.00 and $199.00.

Comparing these two options, $199.00 is higher than the original price of $149.00 and is a plausible increase for a phone with additional features. Therefore, the most likely price of the new phone would be $199.00.