Which word describes the point of view of a writer who has a personal relationship with their subject?(1 point)







The word that describes the point of view of a writer who has a personal relationship with their subject is "subjective."

The word that describes the point of view of a writer who has a personal relationship with their subject is "subjective." To arrive at this answer, we can look at the options given: objective, subjective, perspective, and representative. To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the definitions of each word in the context of writing.

Objective means presenting facts without any personal bias or opinion. This is not the correct choice since the writer with a personal relationship to the subject will inevitably have a biased perspective.

Subjective, on the other hand, refers to personal opinions, feelings, or experiences. This is the correct answer because the writer in question is likely to incorporate their own personal perspective into the writing due to their relationship with the subject.

Perspective means a particular way of viewing things or understanding something. Although perspective is related to subjective, it is a broader term. It can be subjective or objective depending on the context.

Representative refers to someone who is chosen to act on behalf of others or represent their interests. This is not the correct choice since it does not describe the point of view of a writer with a personal relationship to the subject.

Therefore, the correct word to describe the point of view of a writer with a personal relationship to their subject is "subjective."