which of the following is an example of an organization maintain balance when implementing stategic change

by managing stability and change
by listening only you external stakeholders
by firing people who oppose change
by giving stakeholders everything they need

The correct answer is: by managing stability and change.

Maintaining balance when implementing strategic change involves effectively managing both stability and change within an organization. This means recognizing the importance of stability in maintaining current operations and ensuring that changes are implemented in a controlled and coordinated manner. It involves finding the right mix between maintaining what is working well and introducing necessary transformations.

The organization maintaining balance when implementing strategic change by managing stability and change would be the correct example. By effectively managing both stability and change, an organization can ensure there is a balance between maintaining existing operations and implementing new initiatives. This approach allows for a smooth transition and minimizes disruptions while adapting to the changing market conditions.

An organization maintaining balance when implementing strategic change typically involves managing stability and change, rather than the other options listed.

To explain further, managing stability and change means the organization addresses the need for change while also maintaining stability and continuity within the existing operations. It recognizes that change can create disruption and uncertainty, so it aims to strike a balance between introducing changes and keeping the essential aspects of the organization functioning smoothly.

Here's how an organization can maintain balance when implementing strategic change by managing stability and change:

1. Assess the current state: The organization should evaluate its current processes, structure, and culture to identify areas that require change. This involves analyzing strengths, weaknesses, and external factors that may necessitate adaptation.

2. Set clear goals: Establishing clear strategic objectives for the change initiative is crucial. These goals should align with the overall vision and mission of the organization and be communicated effectively to all stakeholders.

3. Involve stakeholders: Engaging both internal and external stakeholders in the change process is important to maintain balance. This includes employees, customers, suppliers, and any other groups that may be affected. By actively listening to their concerns, suggestions, and expectations, the organization ensures that the change initiative is inclusive and addresses multiple perspectives.

4. Communicate transparently: Effective communication is key to managing stability during change. Leaders should provide regular updates and explanations about the strategic change to build understanding and alleviate uncertainty. This helps reassure employees and stakeholders that the organization is actively managing both stability and change.

5. Provide support and resources: To navigate change successfully, the organization should equip employees and stakeholders with the necessary resources, training, and support. This includes providing training programs, mentorship, access to information, and any other assistance required during the transition.

6. Monitor and adjust: Continuous monitoring of the change process is crucial. Leaders should regularly assess the impact of the changes, solicit feedback, and make any necessary adjustments to maintain stability and ensure the change is progressing in line with the strategic goals.

In summary, an organization maintains balance when implementing strategic change by effectively managing stability and change. This involves assessing the current state, setting clear goals, involving stakeholders, communicating transparently, providing support and resources, and monitoring and adjusting the change process accordingly.