rephrase this sentence:

They believed that the Serbians had helped the Bosnian terrorists with the attack

The belief was held that the Serbians had provided assistance to the Bosnian terrorists in carrying out the attack.

rephrase the above statement

It was believed that the Serbians had aided the Bosnian terrorists in orchestrating the attack.

what are synonyms for carried out

Some synonyms for "carried out" include executed, performed, conducted, accomplished, completed, fulfilled, implemented, and enacted.

The conviction prevailed among them that the Bosnian terrorists received assistance from the Serbians in carrying out the attack.

The belief was held that the Serbians had provided assistance to the Bosnian terrorists during the attack.

To rephrase this sentence, start by identifying the main subjects and verbs. In this case, "They believed" is the main subject and verb. Next, identify the object of the sentence, which is "that the Serbians had helped the Bosnian terrorists with the attack." To rephrase the sentence, we can rearrange the elements while maintaining the same meaning.