Match the inequality to its graph.

- 1.5 * d >= 9



To match the inequality to its graph, we need to solve the equation and identify which graph represents the solution.

Let's solve the inequality -1.5d ≥ 9:

First, we divide both sides of the inequality by -1.5 to isolate d:

d ≤ 9 ÷ -1.5

This simplifies to:

d ≤ -6

Now that we have the solution d ≤ -6, let's look at the graphs and see which one represents this inequality. Unfortunately, I cannot provide visual representations, but you can refer to the graphs labeled A, B, C, and D and consider their positions on the number line:

- Graph A represents d > -6
- Graph B represents d ≤ -6
- Graph C represents d < -6
- Graph D represents d ≥ -6

From the options given, the correct graph for the inequality -1.5d ≥ 9 is Graph B.

To match the inequality -1.5*d ≥ 9 to its graph, we need to understand the steps to graph inequalities.

Step 1: Start by solving the inequality for d.

To solve -1.5*d ≥ 9, we can begin by dividing both sides of the inequality by -1.5, but we need to remember to flip the direction of the inequality symbol when dividing by a negative number:

d ≤ 9 / -1.5

Simplifying this expression gives us:

d ≤ -6

Step 2: Graph the inequality on a number line.

To graph the inequality d ≤ -6, we plot a closed point (◼) at -6 and shade the region to the left of that point.

Example graph:
-10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3


The shaded region on the number line represents all values of d that satisfy the inequality -1.5*d ≥ 9.

Now, we can match the inequality -1.5*d ≥ 9 to its graph.

The correct match is: