Match the inequality to the graph of its solution. (2 points)

# c + 7 < 3

ac - 3 > 1


For the inequality c + 7 < 3, the solution is c < -4. The graph of its solution would be a number line with an open circle at -4 and an arrow pointing to the left.

For the inequality ac - 3 > 1, the solution is a > 2. The graph of its solution would be a number line with an open circle at 2 and an arrow pointing to the right.

For the inequality e-7<3, the solution is e < 10. The graph of its solution would be a number line with an open circle at 10 and an arrow pointing to the left.


2.7 <= b + 5

(1 point)

b >= 7.7

b >= - 2.3

O b <= 2.3

b <= - 7.7

To solve the inequality 2.7 <= b + 5, we can subtract 5 from both sides to isolate the variable:

2.7 - 5 <= b + 5 - 5

-2.3 <= b

Therefore, the solution is b >= -2.3.

You have a gift card for your favorite clothing store for the amount of $60. You have found a shirt you want to buy that costs $15. If you don't want to spend more than the amount of the gift card, which of the following inequalities could be used to determine the amount you have left to spend?

(1 point)

Ox r + 15 >= 60

Ox x - 15 >= 60

x - 15 <= 60

0x + 15 < 60


Why do writers add multimedia to an informational text? (1 point)

Oto help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing

O to hide details from the reader that are boring, nonessential, or irrelevant

O to show the reader why a topic was chosen

Oto make the organizational strategy more clear

The correct answer is: to help the reader comprehend the facts, comparisons, or details in the writing.

By adding multimedia such as images, videos, or interactive elements, writers can provide visual or auditory aids that enhance the reader's understanding and engagement with the information being presented. Multimedia can help clarify complex concepts, provide real-life examples, or support data and evidence mentioned in the text. Overall, it serves as a tool to enhance comprehension and make the information more accessible and engaging for the reader.

What can a writer do to connect a photo to the text? (1 point)

O Put information about the photo in a graphic organizer.

O Provide a video about the same topic.

O Add additional photos to it.

Include a caption describing the image.

The correct answer is: Include a caption describing the image.

By including a caption, the writer can provide contextual information about the photo, explaining its relevance to the text. The caption can describe the subject matter of the photo, provide additional details, or highlight key points related to the text. This helps to establish a clear connection between the photo and the accompanying text, providing the reader with a better understanding of how the photo supports or relates to the information being presented.

Which observation most likely indicates that only a chemical change has taken place? (1 point)

The shape changes.

The change cannot be reversed.

OA reaction occurs

States of matter changes.

The correct answer is: A reaction occurs.

When a reaction occurs, it typically indicates that a chemical change has taken place. Chemical changes involve the rearrangement of atoms and the formation of new substances with different chemical properties. These changes often cannot be easily reversed. Therefore, the observation of a reaction occurring is the most likely indication that only a chemical change has taken place.