Each sentence contains an appositive phrase. Determine whether the appositive phrase is essential or non–essential. Mark the sentence that punctuates the appositive phrase correctly.

(1 point)

Whey powder a common milkshake ingredient is tasteless.
Whey powder a common milkshake ingredient is tasteless.

Whey powder, a common milkshake ingredient, is tasteless.

The appositive phrase "a common milkshake ingredient" is non-essential in this sentence. The sentence that punctuates the appositive phrase correctly is: "Whey powder, a common milkshake ingredient, is tasteless."

The appositive phrase in the sentence is "a common milkshake ingredient". This appositive phrase provides additional information that is not necessary for understanding the main idea of the sentence. Therefore, it is a non-essential appositive phrase.

The correct punctuation of the sentence that punctuates the appositive phrase correctly is:

Whey powder, a common milkshake ingredient, is tasteless.

The appositive phrase in the sentence is "a common milkshake ingredient." To determine whether the appositive phrase is essential or non-essential, we can see if removing it changes the meaning of the sentence.

(1) "Whey powder is tasteless" - This sentence is still grammatically correct and conveys the same message without the appositive phrase, so the appositive phrase is non-essential.

Now, let's focus on the correct punctuation of the sentence.

(2) "Whey powder, a common milkshake ingredient, is tasteless" - This sentence correctly uses commas to set off the appositive phrase from the rest of the sentence. The punctuation marks indicate that the appositive phrase is non-essential.

Therefore, the correct answer is:
Whey powder, a common milkshake ingredient, is tasteless.