What is TRUE about health?

• It encompasses only the physical body.
• It includes social relationships
O It is determined by a person's looks
• It does not include emotional issues.

• It encompasses only the physical body.

• It includes social relationships.

The statement that "It is determined by a person's looks" is not true. Health is not solely determined by a person's physical appearance but is influenced by various factors such as lifestyle choices, genetics, environment, and access to healthcare.

The statement that "It does not include emotional issues" is also not true. Health includes emotional well-being and addresses mental health issues. Mental and emotional well-being are essential components of overall health and should be addressed and maintained alongside physical health.

What is TRUE about health:

- It includes social relationships: Health is not only limited to the physical well-being of an individual but also takes into consideration their social connections and relationships. Social support and positive relationships are recognized as important components of overall health and well-being.

- It does not include emotional issues: This statement is not true. Health encompasses emotional well-being as well. Mental and emotional health are crucial aspects of overall health. Emotional issues, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, can have a significant impact on a person's overall well-being. Therefore, addressing and promoting emotional well-being is an essential part of maintaining good health.

So, the correct options are:
- It includes social relationships
- It does not include emotional issues.

The statement "It includes social relationships" is true about health. Health is not limited to just the physical body but also encompasses other aspects of well-being, such as mental, emotional, and social dimensions. Social relationships play a significant role in a person's overall health and can have an impact on physical and mental well-being.

To understand whether a statement is true or not, it's important to rely on reliable sources of information. In this case, knowledge of health and well-being can come from various sources such as scientific research, health professionals, reputable health organizations, and personal experiences. These sources can provide valuable insights and evidence-based information to determine if a statement is true or false.