what date marks the beginning of the jewish diaspora

The Jewish diaspora refers to the dispersion of Jews from their ancestral homeland in ancient Israel. The crucial event marking the beginning of the Jewish diaspora is the Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jewish people. This occurred in 586 BCE when the Babylonians, led by King Nebuchadnezzar II, destroyed the First Temple and deported a significant portion of the Jewish population to Babylon.

Look at the map. What could best be inferred from the map? (1 point) Responses Phoenicia was frequently at war with other empires. Phoenicia was frequently at war with other empires. Phoenicians traded with peoples in Africa and Europe. Phoenicians traded with peoples in Africa and Europe. The population of Phoenicia and its colonies was larger than that of Greece and its colonies. The population of Phoenicia and its colonies was larger than that of Greece and its colonies. Greece and its colonies benefitted from a better climate for agriculture

Without a specific map provided, I'm unable to infer any information from it. However, if you could provide a map or describe its content, I would be happy to assist you with the inference.

Look at the map. What could best be inferred from the map? (1 point) Responses Phoenicia was frequently at war with other empires. Phoenicia was frequently at war with other empires. Phoenicians traded with peoples in Africa and Europe. Phoenicians traded with peoples in Africa and Europe. The population of Phoenicia and its colonies was larger than that of Greece and its colonies. The population of Phoenicia and its colonies was larger than that of Greece and its colonies. Greece and its colonies benefitted from a better climate for agriculture

which is true

Since I don't have access to the specific map you're referring to, I cannot determine which statement is true based on it. To accurately infer from a map, it is necessary to analyze the content, symbols, and geographical information presented in the map. Please provide more details about the map or specify the information you want to analyze so that I can assist you accurately.

Phoenicia was frequently at war with other empires.Phoenicia was frequently at war with other empires.Phoenicians traded with peoples in Africa and Europe.Phoenicians traded with peoples in Africa and Europe.The population of Phoenicia and its colonies was larger than that of Greece and its colonies.The population of Phoenicia and its colonies was larger than that of Greece and its colonies.Greece and its colonies benefitted from a better climate for agriculture.

From the given options, it can be inferred that Phoenicians traded with peoples in Africa and Europe.

Which of the following texts contains commentaries on the teachings of Moses?(1 point)Responsesthe Writingsthe Writingsthe Torahthe Torahthe Hebrew Biblethe Hebrew Biblethe Talmud

The Talmud contains commentaries on the teachings of Moses.

Sumer is important in world history because it wasÂ