Which of the following terms describes the policy put in place by the Soviet Union to increase the output of cotton in Kazakhstan by focusing on one crop?(1 point) Responses famine famine diaspora diaspora monoculture monoculture nomadic pastoralism


The term that describes the policy put in place by the Soviet Union to increase the output of cotton in Kazakhstan by focusing on one crop is "monoculture".

The term that describes the policy put in place by the Soviet Union to increase the output of cotton in Kazakhstan by focusing on one crop is "monoculture."

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the definitions of the given terms and identify the one that best fits the description in the question.

1. Famine: This term refers to a widespread scarcity of food, resulting in hunger and death among a large population. It does not describe the policy of focusing on one crop.

2. Diaspora: Diaspora refers to the dispersion of a particular group of people from their original homeland to other parts of the world. It is not related to the policy of focusing on one crop.

3. Monoculture: Monoculture refers to the agricultural practice of cultivating a single crop on a large scale, often at the expense of biodiversity. This term fits the description in the question, where the Soviet Union implemented a policy to increase the output of cotton in Kazakhstan by focusing solely on this crop.

4. Nomadic pastoralism: Nomadic pastoralism is a type of subsistence farming where herders move their livestock across different grazing lands. It does not relate to the policy of increasing cotton production through a focus on one crop.

By understanding the definitions of the given terms and analyzing how they align with the provided description, you can determine that "monoculture" is the correct answer.