Computing systems in a forensics lab should be able to process typical cases in a timely manner.

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The answer is True.

Computing systems in a forensics lab should indeed be able to process typical cases in a timely manner. This is because forensics involves analyzing and examining digital evidence, such as hard drives, mobile devices, and computer networks, to gather information for legal investigations or to prevent and investigate cybercrimes.

To achieve timely processing, a forensics lab needs to have robust and efficient computing systems. These systems should be equipped with high-performance hardware, such as fast processors, sufficient RAM (random access memory), and high-capacity storage devices, which enable faster data processing and analysis.

In addition to hardware, specialized software tools are also essential for efficient processing. These tools include forensic imaging software, data recovery and analysis software, network forensics tools, and password cracking tools, among others. These applications help automate and streamline the forensic investigation process, making it faster and more efficient.

Moreover, forensic labs need to implement proper data management and workflow procedures. This involves establishing standard operating procedures for evidence handling, analysis, and reporting, as well as ensuring that staff members are adequately trained in using the tools and following the established procedures.

By having computing systems that are specifically designed and optimized for forensics investigations, forensic labs can effectively process typical cases in a timely manner, which is crucial for the successful and efficient operation of the lab.