which of the following is an example of a conflict in work/life/ balance

an employee uses a computer to select desires benefits for the coming year
an employees email account is hacked leading to company files being stolen
an employee uses a mobile device to check work hours are over
an employees working form home uses the internet to join a training remotely

an employees working from home uses the internet to join a training remotely.

An example of a conflict in work/life balance is when an employee uses a mobile device to check work hours are over.

An example of a conflict in work/life balance among the provided options would be "an employee uses a mobile device to check work hours are over."

To determine this, we need to understand the concept of work/life balance, which refers to the equilibrium between an individual's personal and professional life. It involves managing and prioritizing one's time and energy between work-related commitments and personal activities or responsibilities.

Among the options given, the first and third choices relate to utilizing technology to facilitate work-related tasks or activities (e.g., selecting desired benefits, checking work hours). These actions do not necessarily indicate a conflict in work/life balance, as they could be seen as part of managing one's work responsibilities.

The second option, "an employee's email account is hacked leading to company files being stolen," does not directly relate to work/life balance but rather highlights a cybersecurity breach or data security issue.

However, the fourth option, "an employee working from home uses the internet to join a training remotely," can create a potential conflict in work/life balance. By participating in remote training during non-working hours or personal time, the employee might be sacrificing their personal activities or leisure time, which can impact their work/life balance negatively.

It's essential to evaluate the context and impact of each situation to determine whether it represents a conflict in work/life balance.