which of the following is an example of human resources planning

an hr manager talks with department managers to determine which workers are needed
an employee complains to his manager that he is being asked to work too many hours
two workers disagree with each other about the sufficientcy of the benefits the HR department offers
a ceo talks with the hr manager about the value of the company and decides that it needs to grow

The example of human resources planning is when an HR manager talks with department managers to determine which workers are needed.

The example of human resources planning is:

An HR manager talks with department managers to determine which workers are needed.

The example of human resources planning among the options provided would be:

- An HR manager talks with department managers to determine which workers are needed.

Human resources planning is the process of assessing and identifying current and future staffing needs within an organization. It involves collaboration between HR managers and other department managers to ensure that the right people are in the right roles at the right time.

In this scenario, the HR manager is actively engaging with department managers to determine the workforce requirements. By having discussions and understanding the needs and goals of each department, the HR manager can anticipate the number and type of employees required to meet organizational objectives. This is a crucial step in human resources planning as it helps to align the workforce with the organization's overall strategy.