What is the main reason settlers founded the new England colonies?

A. Land for large plantations
B. Religious freedom
C. Gold and silver
D. Homes and jobs

B. Religious freedom

How did the settlers of the Middle colonies develop their economy?

A. Farmers grew grains and other crops that they sold to other colonies.
B. Farmers grew subsistence crops that were enough to feed themselves.
C. Trappers and hunters sold animal pelts to France and great Britain.
D. Manufacturers built large factories to produce goods.

A. Farmers grew grains and other crops that they sold to other colonies.

What may have caused religious disagreements amongst the colonist in colonial south Carolina?

A. The capital only had an Anglican church.
B. Settlers weren't religious.
C. People did not go to church every Sunday.
D. All of the settlers belonged to the Anglican church.

The main reason settlers founded the New England colonies was B. Religious freedom.

The main reason settlers founded the New England colonies was B. Religious freedom.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options A, C, and D based on historical knowledge. New England, which includes present-day states like Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire, did not have large-scale plantations like those found in the Southern colonies. Additionally, there were no significant discoveries of gold and silver in the New England region. As for homes and jobs, while they were certainly motivations for many settlers, they were not the primary reason for founding the colonies.

Religious freedom, on the other hand, is a well-documented reason for the establishment of the New England colonies. Groups of religious dissenters, such as the Puritans and Pilgrims, sought to escape religious persecution in Europe and establish their own communities where they could practice their faith without interference. The establishment of colonies like Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay was driven by the desire for religious autonomy and the freedom to worship as they believed.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Religious freedom.