Making a list of what you have to do and identifying what is most important is an example of 1. mental rehearsal of tasks. 2. relaxing by list making. 3. time management. 4. making connections.

3. time management.

The correct answer is:

3. time management.

Making a list of tasks and prioritizing them based on importance is a key aspect of effective time management. This practice helps individuals organize their responsibilities, set priorities, and allocate their time efficiently to ensure important tasks are completed on time.

The correct answer is 3. time management.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options:

1. Mental rehearsal of tasks: Mental rehearsal involves mentally visualizing and planning tasks in your mind before actually executing them. While making a to-do list requires some level of mental rehearsal, it is not the primary focus. So, this option is not the best fit.

2. Relaxing by list making: While making a list can help you organize your thoughts and reduce stress, the main purpose of this activity is not relaxation. It is primarily a tool for task management and prioritization. Therefore, this option is not the most accurate choice.

3. Time management: Making a list of what you have to do and identifying what is most important is a classic technique for managing your time effectively. By creating a to-do list and ranking tasks based on their priority, you can allocate your time and effort more efficiently. This option aligns closely with the described scenario, making it the correct answer.

4. Making connections: Making connections typically refers to finding relationships or associations between different pieces of information or concepts. While making connections can be useful in problem-solving, it is not directly related to the described scenario of creating a to-do list. Thus, this option does not accurately represent the situation.

In summary, the most appropriate answer is 3. time management because making a list of tasks and identifying their importance aligns with the practice of effective time management.