a large Pavillon is made of 2.967*10^5 bricks there are 6.9 bricks per square root how many square feet is the Pavillon write the answer in scientific notation


To find the number of square feet in the pavilion, we need to divide the total number of bricks by the number of bricks per square foot.

Total number of bricks = 2.967 * 10^5
Number of bricks per square foot = 6.9

The number of square feet is calculated as:
Number of square feet = Total number of bricks / Number of bricks per square foot

Number of square feet = (2.967 * 10^5) / 6.9
Number of square feet = 4.3 * 10^4

Therefore, the pavilion is approximately 4.3 * 10^4 square feet.

To find the square footage of the Pavillon, we need to determine the number of square roots that can be formed from the total number of bricks.

Number of bricks = 2.967 * 10^5
Bricks per square root = 6.9

To find the number of square roots, we divide the total number of bricks by the bricks per square root:

Number of square roots = (2.967 * 10^5) / 6.9

Calculating the result:

Number of square roots = 4.304 * 10^4

Therefore, the answer is 4.3 * 10^4 square feet.

To find the number of square feet in the Pavilion, we need to first calculate the total number of square roots based on the number of bricks. Given that there are 6.9 bricks per square root, we can divide the total number of bricks by 6.9 to get the number of square roots.

2.967*10^5 / 6.9 = 4.3*10^4

Therefore, the Pavilion has a total of 4.3*10^4 square feet.