A large pavilion is made of 2.967x10^5 bricks. There are 6.9 bricks per square foot. How many square feet is the pavilion? Write the answer in scientific notation.

To find the number of square feet in the pavilion, we need to divide the total number of bricks by the number of bricks per square foot.

Number of square feet = Total number of bricks / Bricks per square foot

Number of square feet = 2.967x10^5 / 6.9

Number of square feet = 4.3058x10^4

So, the pavilion is approximately 4.3058x10^4 square feet in size.

To find the number of square feet the pavilion is, we need to divide the total number of bricks by the number of bricks per square foot.

Total number of bricks = 2.967 x 10^5
Number of bricks per square foot = 6.9

Number of square feet = (2.967 x 10^5) / 6.9

Calculating this division, we get:
Number of square feet = 4.302 x 10^4

Therefore, the pavilion is approximately 4.302 x 10^4 square feet.

To find out how many square feet the pavilion is, we can divide the total number of bricks by the number of bricks per square foot.

The total number of bricks is 2.967x10^5.
The number of bricks per square foot is 6.9.

So, the number of square feet is given by:

2.967x10^5 / 6.9

To simplify this division, we can convert 2.967x10^5 to its non-scientific notation:

2.967x100000 / 6.9

Now we can perform the division:

428391.304347826 / 6.9 ≈ 62028.695652174

Since we are dealing with square feet, we can round this answer to the nearest whole number:

62029 square feet

Finally, we can express this answer in scientific notation:

6.2029x10^4 square feet.