What was one reason for the formation of the Democratic Republican party?

(1 point)

Washington’s cabinet members wanted to form a new party to strengthen the federal government.
Washington’s cabinet members wanted to form a new party to strengthen the federal government.

Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.
Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

The Alien and Sedition Acts outlined the need for a new political party.
The Alien and Sedition Acts outlined the need for a new political party.

The threat of war with Britain inspired a revolt against the Federalists.

The threat of war with Britain inspired a revolt against the Federalists.

Thomas Jefferson's views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

The correct answer is: Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

To answer this question, you need to have a basic understanding of the political climate during the early years of the United States. The Democratic Republican party was formed in the late 18th century as a response to the policies and ideas put forth by Alexander Hamilton, who was the Secretary of the Treasury under President George Washington.

Alexander Hamilton believed in a strong federal government, and he advocated for policies that favored industrialization, a national bank, and a strong military. On the other hand, Thomas Jefferson, who served as the Secretary of State under President Washington, had a different vision for the country. He believed in a limited federal government, emphasizing agrarianism, states' rights, and strict interpretation of the Constitution.

The clash of these opposing views between Jefferson and Hamilton led to the formation of political factions. Jefferson and his followers, including James Madison, formed what would become known as the Democratic Republican party. They saw themselves as defenders of individual liberty and states' rights, and they opposed what they perceived as an overly strong central government.

So, the reason for the formation of the Democratic Republican party was primarily Thomas Jefferson’s views clashing with those of Alexander Hamilton.