What was one reason for the formation of the Democratic Republican party? (1 point) Responses

Washington’s cabinet members wanted to form a new party to strengthen the federal government.

Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

The Alien and Sedition Acts outlined the need for a new political party.

The threat of war with Britain inspired a revolt against the Federalists

Thomas Jefferson’s views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

One reason for the formation of the Democratic Republican party was that Thomas Jefferson's views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

The correct answer is: Thomas Jefferson's views clashed with those of Alexander Hamilton.

To find the answer, you can examine the historical context and the differences between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. The Democratic Republican party, also known as the Jeffersonian Republicans, was formed in the late 18th century as a result of a disagreement between these two prominent figures in American politics.

Thomas Jefferson, who later became the third president of the United States, had a more agrarian and decentralized vision for the country. He advocated for states' rights, strict interpretation of the Constitution, and an agricultural-based economy.

On the other hand, Alexander Hamilton, who was the first Secretary of the Treasury, supported a more centralized government, economic diversification, and a strong industrial and financial sector. He believed in a loose interpretation of the Constitution to allow for more federal power.

These conflicting views on the role of government and the economy led to the formation of the Democratic Republican party, as Jefferson and his supporters sought to counter Hamilton's influence and policies within the Federalist party.