What does "objective" mean?

• without the opinions or biases of the reader

• includes opinions or biases

The correct definition of "objective" is: without the opinions or biases of the reader.

The term "objective" has two possible meanings:

1. Without the opinions or biases of the reader: When something is said to be "objective," it means that it is based on facts and is free from personal opinions or biases. Objective information or analysis aims to present an unbiased view of a subject, focusing solely on the facts and evidence.

2. Includes opinions or biases: On the other hand, "objective" can also refer to something that includes opinions or biases. In this context, "objective" is used to describe a goal or purpose that takes into account subjective factors, such as personal perspectives or preferences.

It is important to note the specific context in which the term "objective" is being used to fully understand its intended meaning.

The word "objective" can have two main meanings depending on the context:

1. Without the opinions or biases of the reader: When something is described as objective, it means that it is based on facts, evidence, and logical reasoning rather than personal opinions or biases. In this sense, an objective statement or viewpoint strives to be impartial and fair, presenting information in a balanced and neutral manner.

2. Includes opinions or biases: In some contexts, "objective" can be used to describe the inclusion of different opinions or biases. This is often used in journalism or research where the aim is to present a range of perspectives on a particular topic or issue. In this case, being objective means giving equal weight to different viewpoints and representing them accurately.

To determine the intended meaning of "objective" in a specific context, it is essential to analyze the surrounding text and consider the overall message being conveyed. Additionally, checking the source and understanding its purpose can provide valuable insights into whether it is presenting information with or without biases.