the followers of which religion were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American revolution.





why did social actives increase in royale georgia

farms were worked only by slaves

Georgians has more leisure time

most Georgians lived in cities

most Georgians were proffesionals

Although the information provided is not specific, it is possible to infer some reasons why social activities increased in colonial Georgia:

1. Farms were worked only by slaves: As farms were operated predominantly by enslaved individuals, the plantation owners and their families may have had more leisure time available to engage in social activities.

2. Georgians had more leisure time: If the agricultural economy was successful and labor demands were met, it would provide Georgians with more free time to participate in social activities and engage in recreational pursuits.

3. Most Georgians lived in cities: If the majority of Georgians lived in urban areas, there would likely be more opportunities for social interactions and engagements. Cities tend to offer a wider range of social activities, entertainment, and cultural events.

4. Most Georgians were professionals: If the population of Georgia consisted mainly of professionals, such as lawyers, doctors, merchants, etc., their financial stability and relatively stable work schedules could allow more time for social activities and involvement in community affairs.

However, without more specific historical context, it is challenging to determine the exact reasons why social activities may have increased in colonial Georgia.

so what is the answer

Without specific information, it is not possible to provide a definite answer. The reasons provided above are possibilities, but the exact factors for the increase in social activities in colonial Georgia would require further research and specific historical context.

which of the following best describes land ownership policies during the royale period. ownership was very limited to prevent establishments of a planter class ownership was expanded to encourage the establishment of large palntations ownership was considered illegal during the royale period

D. land ownership was only granted through inheritance

The best choice to describe land ownership policies during the Royale period is:

B. Land ownership was expanded to encourage the establishment of large plantations.

During the Royale period, the English Crown implemented policies to encourage land ownership and settlement in the colony of Georgia. The Trustees of the colony actively promoted the acquisition of land, especially for the establishment of large plantations and agricultural ventures. This approach aimed to stimulate economic growth and attract settlers to the region.

which of the following was NOT an important crop grown d=in georgia during the colonial period.






The followers of which religion were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American revolution?

To find the answer to this question, we will need to examine the historical context of Georgia and its religious policies during the American Revolution.

During the colonial period and leading up to the American Revolution, each colony had its own specific religious policies and restrictions. In the case of Georgia, the colony was initially settled under the Trusteeship of James Oglethorpe in 1732. The Trustees intended to establish Georgia as a haven for debtors and a place where "worthy poor" individuals could have a fresh start.

One of the central tenets of the Georgia Trustee's vision was to prohibit slavery and to promote a homogeneous Protestant Christian society. As a result, the Trustees initially prohibited the establishment of certain religious groups in Georgia, particularly those considered to be non-Protestant.

Of the religious options you provided, the Anglican, Jewish, Catholic, and Baptist followers would have been affected by these religious restrictions to varying degrees.

1. Anglican: Anglicanism, also known as the Church of England, was the established church in many of the American colonies, including Georgia. Therefore, it is unlikely that Anglicans would have faced significant restrictions in settling in Georgia.

2. Jewish: Historically, Jewish communities faced discrimination and restrictions in various parts of the world, including some American colonies. While Jewish individuals did settle in other colonies, such as New York, it is possible that they faced limitations or were not allowed to settle in Georgia during the colonial period.

3. Catholics: During the colonial era, Catholicism was viewed with suspicion and prejudice by many English colonists, including those in Georgia. Therefore, it is possible that Catholics were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution.

4. Baptist: The Baptist denomination emerged in the American colonies during the colonial period. However, Baptists were not initially favored by the Georgia Trustees due to their beliefs and practices differing from traditional Protestant denominations. It is possible that Baptist followers were subject to restrictions or limitations on settling in Georgia until after the American Revolution.

In conclusion, considering the historical context and religious policies of Georgia during the colonial period, it is most likely that Catholics and possibly Jews and Baptists were not allowed to settle in Georgia until after the American Revolution.
