Molten lava coming out of a Hawaiian volcano cools down and forms rock.

Which statement best describes the flow of energy in this scenario?

• Energy moves from the lava to the surroundings.
• Energy moves from the surroundings to the lava.
• Energy stays within the lava.
• Energy stays within the surroundings.

The statement that best describes the flow of energy in this scenario is: Energy moves from the lava to the surroundings.

The statement "Energy moves from the lava to the surroundings" best describes the flow of energy in this scenario.

The statement that best describes the flow of energy in this scenario is: "Energy moves from the lava to the surroundings."

Here's an explanation of why this statement is correct:

When molten lava comes out of a Hawaiian volcano and cools down to form rock, energy is transferred from the lava to the surroundings. The lava, which is extremely hot, contains a significant amount of thermal energy. As it cools down and solidifies, it releases this thermal energy into the surrounding environment.

Energy transfer occurs in the form of heat transfer, specifically through a process called conduction. Conduction involves the transfer of heat from a hot object to a cooler object when they come into direct contact with each other. In this case, the lava comes into contact with the cooler surrounding air, and heat is transferred from the lava to the air.

As the lava loses heat to the surroundings, its temperature decreases, and it eventually solidifies into rock. The surroundings, on the other hand, gain heat energy from the lava, causing their temperature to rise slightly.

Therefore, the flow of energy in this scenario is from the lava to the surroundings.