Which kind of rock is formed when lava leaves a volcano and cools?

Plate Tectonics so on my way and the rock cycle quick check answers 1. Igneous 2. Convection 3. Convection plate boundary interaction 4. The crust is like the shell on a hard boiled egg

Big momma is almost right number 3 is convergent plate boundary interaction. Your welcome.

Extrusive Igneous Rocks, or just Igneous Rocks. :D

The kind of rock that is formed when lava leaves a volcano and cools is called "igneous rock". Igneous rocks are formed from the solidification and crystallization of molten rock material (magma or lava). There are two main types of igneous rocks: intrusive and extrusive.

To understand how lava forms igneous rocks, you can follow these steps:

1. When a volcano erupts, magma, which is molten rock located beneath the Earth's surface, rises up to the surface and flows out. At this point, the magma is called lava.

2. As the lava is exposed to the relatively cooler environment outside the volcano, it rapidly loses heat energy and begins to cool down.

3. During the cooling process, the minerals within the lava start to solidify and crystallize. The specific minerals present in the lava and the speed of the cooling process determine the type and texture of the resulting igneous rock.

4. If the lava cools slowly beneath the Earth's surface, it forms intrusive igneous rock. This slow cooling allows for the growth of large crystals, as the magma has more time to cool down and solidify. Examples of intrusive igneous rocks include granite and diorite.

5. On the other hand, if the lava cools rapidly on the Earth's surface, it forms extrusive igneous rock. The quick cooling prevents the formation of large crystals, resulting in a fine-grained texture. Common examples of extrusive igneous rocks include basalt and obsidian.

Therefore, when lava cools after leaving a volcano, it solidifies and becomes igneous rock, with the specific type depending on factors such as the composition of the magma and the rate of cooling.

Plate Tectonics and the Rock Cycle Quick Check

1. Igneous D
2. Convection C
3. Convergent plate boundary interaction
4. The crust is like the shell on a hard-boiled egg.