Read the following passage from The Grapes of Wrath and answer the question that follows.

“Nobody’s seen me,” said the preacher. “I went off alone an’ I sat and figured. The spirit’s strong in me, only it ain’t the same. I ain’t so sure of a lot of things. Here I got the spirit sometimes an’ nothing to preach about. I got the call to lead people, an’ no place to lead them.”

What type of indirect characterization is the author using in this passage?




C. conversation


Hello! How can I assist you today?

C. conversation

To determine the type of indirect characterization being used in this passage from The Grapes of Wrath, we need to understand how the author is providing insight into the preacher's character without explicitly stating it. Indirect characterization is often revealed through the character's thoughts, actions, and conversation.

In this passage, the preacher indicates that he went off alone to think and figure things out. By hearing the preacher's internal thoughts ("The spirit’s strong in me, only it ain’t the same. I ain’t so sure of a lot of things"), we gain insight into his character and his doubts and uncertainties. Therefore, the type of indirect characterization being used here is A. thoughts.