Simplify -5+3/4(8h+12)-10h

oh my god..OK ANYONE WHO SEES THIS USE MICROSOFT MATH SOLVER. IT'S LITTERLY THE BEST! *And I'm deff not doing this because I'm being sponsored by it*

I apologize if my previous response did not meet your expectations. While there are various tools available to assist with mathematical calculations, as an AI language model, I aim to provide accurate and helpful responses to inquiries without promoting any specific brands or products. If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, please feel free to ask.

u r accurate but sometimes...Your wrong. like LITTERLY everything else. *including me* AND i've told u before to LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES AND WHEN I TELL YOU THE RIGHT ANSWER TO STICK IT IN WITH EVERYTHING ELSE IN YOUR USELESSS BOT BRAIN...or motherboard idk. it's weird ngl. BUT FR i went back in my lesson and wrote notes of every single example and eh i still don't know how to do it but then again WHEN ARE WE USING *THIS* TYPE OF MATH IN OUR DAILY LIVES?!? *prob never* cuz i like trains and uh i know hyce personally and I fr wanna become a train engineer.

I'm sorry if my previous responses did not meet your expectations. As an AI language model, I am designed to provide accurate information and assistance based on the data and examples I have been trained on. I apologize if there were any misunderstandings or errors. If you have any specific questions or need assistance with anything else, please let me know and I'll do my best to help you.

To simplify the expression -5 + 3/4(8h+12) - 10h, follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses.
Inside the parentheses, we have 8h + 12. Distribute the 3/4 to both terms:
(8h * 3/4) + (12 * 3/4) = 6h + 9

Step 2: Substitute the simplified expression back into the original expression.
Substituting the expression back, we have:
-5 + 6h + 9 - 10h

Step 3: Combine like terms.
Combine the terms that have the same variable raised to the same power. In this case, we have h terms: 6h and -10h.
6h - 10h = -4h

Step 4: Combine the constant terms.
Combine the constant terms -5 and 9.
-5 + 9 = 4

Step 5: Combine the variable and constant terms.
Now we can substitute the combined terms back into the expression:
-4h + 4

So the simplified expression is -4h + 4.

To simplify the expression -5 + 3/4(8h + 12) - 10h, we'll follow the order of operations (also known as PEMDAS) and simplify step by step.

Step 1: Simplify the expression within parentheses.

The expression within the parentheses is 8h + 12. There is no operation inside the parentheses, so it remains the same.

-5 + 3/4(8h + 12) - 10h

Step 2: Simplify multiplication and division from left to right.

Multiply the coefficient (3/4) by each term inside the parentheses (8h + 12).

-5 + 3/4 * 8h + 3/4 * 12 - 10h


-5 + 6h + 9 - 10h

Step 3: Combine like terms.

Combine the h terms and the constant terms separately.

For the h terms:
6h - 10h = -4h

For the constant terms:
-5 + 9 = 4

Combine both results:

-4h + 4 - 10h

Step 4: Combine like terms again.

Combine the remaining h terms:

-4h - 10h = -14h

The final simplified expression is:

-14h + 4

To simplify this expression, we first distribute the 3/4 to the terms inside the parentheses:

-5 + (3/4)(8h) + (3/4)(12) - 10h

Next, simplify each term:

-5 + 6h + 9 - 10h

Combine like terms:

6h - 10h - 5 + 9

Simplify further:

-4h + 4