Suppose you earn $10 each hour you babysit. Which function describes the relationship between your total earnings E and number of hours you babysit, h? Show your work.

A. E(h)=10h

B. E(h)=h+10

C. E(h)=h-10

D. h=10E

A. E(h)=10h

We know that you earn $10 for each hour you babysit, so for h hours, you would earn 10h. Therefore, the function that describes the relationship between E and h would be E(h) = 10h.

The correct function that represents the relationship between your total earnings E and number of hours you babysit, h, is:

A. E(h) = 10h

To show why this is the correct answer, we need to understand how to calculate the total earnings based on the number of hours you babysit.

In this scenario, you earn $10 for each hour you babysit. So, if you babysit for h hours, your earnings will be calculated by multiplying the number of hours by the rate per hour, which is $10.

Therefore, the function E(h) = 10h correctly represents this relationship between your total earnings E and the number of hours h you babysit.

To determine the function that describes the relationship between total earnings E and the number of hours h that you babysit, we need to consider that you earn $10 each hour you babysit.

The total earnings E can be calculated by multiplying the number of hours h by $10 per hour. So, the function that represents this relationship is given by:

E(h) = 10h

Option A, E(h) = 10h, satisfies this condition and correctly represents the relationship between your total earnings E and the number of hours h you babysit.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. E(h) = 10h.