The lentil soup recipe called for various amounts of herbs and spices. The spice amounts are listed in the table. List the spices in order from least amount to greatest amount.

(1 point)

Thyme , Cumin , Parsley , Oregano , Chili Powder
Thyme , Cumin , Parsley , Oregano , Chili Powder

Thyme, Cumin, Parsley, Chili Powder , Oregano
Thyme, Cumin, Parsley, Chili Powder , Oregano

Oregano , Thyme, Parsley, Cumin, Chili Powder
Oregano , Thyme, Parsley, Cumin, Chili Powder

Chili Powder , Oregano, Parsley, Cumin, Thyme
Chili Powder , Oregano, Parsley, Cumin, Thyme
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The correct order of the spices from least amount to greatest amount is:

Chili Powder, Cumin, Thyme, Parsley, Oregano

The spices in order from least amount to greatest amount are: Thyme, Cumin, Parsley, Chili Powder, Oregano.

To list the spices in order from least amount to greatest amount, you need to refer to the table mentioned in the question. Unfortunately, the table is not provided in your question. Please provide the table or the specific amounts of each spice so that I can help you list the spices in order.