Analyze the correlation between Roman expansion policy and trade in the Indian Ocean.(1 point)


As the Romans conquered territory, they gained access to trade resources, which encouraged more expansion.
As the Romans conquered territory, they gained access to trade resources, which encouraged more expansion.

There was no correlation between Roman expansion and trade, as they occurred for separate reasons.
There was no correlation between Roman expansion and trade, as they occurred for separate reasons.

The Romans expanded to protect their trade interests and spread their religion.
The Romans expanded to protect their trade interests and spread their religion.

The Romans conquered any civilization would not trade with them as a means of punishment.

The Romans expanded to protect their trade interests and spread their religion.

The Romans conquered any civilization that would not trade with them as a means of punishment.

Among the given responses, the one that best analyzes the correlation between Roman expansion policy and trade in the Indian Ocean is:

"As the Romans conquered territory, they gained access to trade resources, which encouraged more expansion."


To analyze the correlation between Roman expansion policy and trade in the Indian Ocean, we need to consider the historical facts. The Roman Empire had a deliberate expansion policy, aiming to conquer new territories and expand its influence. As they successfully conquered new lands, they gained access to valuable trade resources, including goods, commodities, and trading routes. This access to trade resources served as an incentive for further expansion.

By establishing control over trade routes and acquiring resources from newly conquered territories, the Romans were able to increase their economic power and influence in the Indian Ocean region. This, in turn, provided them with the means to continue expanding their empire.

Therefore, there is a clear correlation between Roman expansion policy and trade in the Indian Ocean, as the acquisition of trade resources through conquests encouraged further expansion.