Use long division to convert 6 7/15 to a decimal.

1. ≈6.47
2. 6.715

To convert 6 7/15 to a decimal using long division, we can set up the problem like this:

0. 4 6 6
15 ) 6 7 0. 0
6 0

The remainder, 10, is less than 15, so we can stop the long division process.

Therefore, 6 7/15 is approximately equal to 6.467, which is closest to option 1, ≈6.47.

To convert 6 7/15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Rewrite the mixed number as a fraction: 6 7/15 = (6 * 15 + 7)/15 = 97/15.

2. Perform long division by dividing the numerator (97) by the denominator (15):

15 | 97
- 90

3. Bring down the next digit (0) and add it to the remainder (7), then divide again:

15 | 97
- 90
- 60

4. Repeat the process until you either reach a recurring decimal or the remainder becomes 0. In this case, the process terminates because the remainder is 10.

5. The final result is the quotient: 6 remainder 10.

Therefore, 6 7/15 as a decimal is approximately 6.47. So the correct answer is option 1. ≈6.47.

To convert the mixed number 6 7/15 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write down 6 as the whole number part and 7/15 as the fraction part.
2. Convert the fraction 7/15 to a decimal by dividing 7 by 15:
- Place a decimal point after the 6: 6.
- Take the numerator (7) and divide it by the denominator (15): 7 ÷ 15 = 0.4666...
- The decimal representation of 7/15 is approximately 0.4666... (rounded to appropriate decimal places depending on the given answer choices)

Now, we add the whole number part and the decimal part together: 6 + 0.4666... = ≈6.4666...

Out of the given answer choices, the closest approximation to ≈6.4666... is option 3. ≈6.14285.