which of these is an example of direct characterization.

a.actions or thought that reveal what a character is like
b.dialogue between a character and other characters in the story
c.an authors description of a character's appearance and personality

C. an author's description of a character's appearance and personality

Adding the adjective suffix -ous to the word danger forms a/an.


b. adjective

which of these is a coordinating conjunction.


a. but

A. Actions or thoughts that reveal what a character is like.

The correct answer is option c. An author's description of a character's appearance and personality is an example of direct characterization.

To arrive at this answer, let's first understand what direct characterization means. Direct characterization refers to the explicit or direct presentation of a character's traits or qualities by the narrator or author. It means that the author explicitly tells the reader about a character's traits, rather than relying on the reader to infer them through the character's actions or dialogue.

Option a, "actions or thoughts that reveal what a character is like," describes indirect characterization. Indirect characterization involves conveying a character's traits indirectly through their actions, thoughts, or interactions. So, this option does not represent direct characterization.

Option b, "dialogue between a character and other characters in the story," also falls under indirect characterization. In this case, the reader would gather information about the character by analyzing their dialogue and interactions, rather than the author explicitly stating their traits.

Option c, "an author's description of a character's appearance and personality," aligns with the concept of direct characterization. When the author directly presents the physical appearance or personality traits of a character, it helps the reader understand them more clearly.

Therefore, option c is the correct answer as it demonstrates an example of direct characterization.