Identify two factors that affect your health that, as a teenager you can control.

(1 point)

heredity and culture

culture and physical environment

physical environment and heredity

social environment and physical environment
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The correct response is: physical environment and heredity.

The correct response is "physical environment and heredity."

To identify two factors that affect your health that you, as a teenager, can control, we need to understand the options provided. The options are:

1. Heredity and culture: Heredity refers to the genetic traits and characteristics that are passed down from your parents. Culture, on the other hand, refers to the social behaviors, beliefs, and values of a particular group of people. As a teenager, you have limited control over your heredity, as it is determined by your genetic makeup. However, you can have some control over your culture by choosing to adopt healthy behaviors and values.

2. Culture and physical environment: As mentioned earlier, culture refers to the social behaviors, beliefs, and values of a particular group of people. Physical environment, on the other hand, refers to the surroundings and conditions in which you live. As a teenager, you can control certain aspects of your culture by choosing to participate in activities that promote health and well-being. Additionally, you can also have some control over your physical environment by creating a safe and healthy living space, such as keeping your living area clean and free from hazards.

3. Physical environment and heredity: Physical environment refers to the surroundings and conditions in which you live, whereas heredity refers to the genetic traits and characteristics that are passed down from your parents. As a teenager, you have some control over your physical environment by making choices that promote your health, such as engaging in regular exercise and avoiding exposure to harmful substances. However, you have limited control over your heredity, as it is determined by your genetic makeup.

4. Social environment and physical environment: Social environment refers to the people and social interactions that surround you, whereas physical environment refers to the surroundings and conditions in which you live. As a teenager, you can control aspects of your social environment by choosing to surround yourself with positive and supportive peers, as well as engaging in healthy social activities. Additionally, you can also have some control over your physical environment by creating a safe and healthy living space, as mentioned earlier.

Based on the given options, the correct answer would be "social environment and physical environment."