Country s has 12,345,000 residents who tested positive for covid-19 what is the largest place value of the numeric part of this quantity

The largest place value of the numeric part of the quantity 12,345,000 is the hundred thousands place, which is represented by the digit 1.

The largest place value of the numeric part of 12,345,000 is the millions place value.

To determine the largest place value of the numeric part of the quantity, we can start by looking at the given number: 12,345,000.

The largest place value refers to the position of the leftmost digit that represents a specific value. In this case, we are interested in the leftmost digit that is not zero (also known as the most significant non-zero digit).

Let's break down the given number:

1 - Ten million (10,000,000)
2 - One million (1,000,000)
3 - Hundred thousand (100,000)
4 - Ten thousand (10,000)
5 - Thousand (1,000)
0 - Hundred (100)
0 - Ten (10)
0 - Unit (1)

From this breakdown, we can see that the leftmost digit that is not zero is 1, which is in the "ten million" place value or the 10,000,000 position.

Therefore, the largest place value of the numeric part of the quantity is ten million.