Country S has 12,345,000 residents who tested positive for covid-19. What is the largest place value of the numeric part of this quantity?

__ million

A. 10 Million

B. 0.00003
C. 8 x 10^6
D. 4
5. 2 x 10^4

12 million doesn't work. That's the obvious answer, but the correct answer is 10 million. Key words: largest place value.

5/5 TY!!!!!!!!

A total of 7,803,100 tourists visited Country A from the year 2018 to the year 2020. Round to the nearest place value, then express this number in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10.(1 point)

To find the largest place value of the numeric part of the quantity 12,345,000, we need to determine the place value of the leftmost digit, which is the digit in the millions position.

The digit in the millions position is "1". The place value of this digit is "millions". Therefore, the largest place value of the numeric part of the quantity is "millions".

So, the answer is "_ million".

Well, that would be the millions place value! So it can be written as 12 million, 345 thousand. Quite a big number, isn't it? I hope it won't make you go into number shock!