a. The constant of proportionality is

b. Write an equation that represents this graph

c. This is a proportional relationship because the y-intercept is


The questions provided do not indicate any specific graph or equation. It is necessary to have more information or context in order to answer them accurately. Could you please provide more details or specify what graph or equation you are referring to?

a. The constant of proportionality, denoted as "k", represents the ratio of y to x in a proportional relationship. It is a constant value that remains the same across different values of x and y.

b. To write an equation that represents a proportional relationship, we can use the formula "y = kx", where k is the constant of proportionality. This equation indicates that the value of y is directly proportional to the value of x, with k representing the ratio between them.

c. In a proportional relationship, the y-intercept is always zero. This means that when x is zero, the value of y will also be zero.

To find answers to the given questions, we will need some context or additional information. The questions refer to finding the constant of proportionality, writing an equation representing a graph, and determining if the relationship is proportional based on the y-intercept. To provide accurate responses, please provide specific details or examples so that I can give a comprehensive answer.