a. The constant of proportionality is Response area

b. Write an equation that represents the linear graph. Response area

c. This is a proportional relationship because the graph shows

a straight line passing through the origin.

There is 3 questions.

a. The constant of proportionality is the value that relates the two variables in a proportional relationship. In this case, without specific information, it is not possible to determine the constant of proportionality.

b. Without the specific equation or given values, it is not possible to write the equation that represents the linear graph.

c. It is not possible to determine if the relationship is proportional or not without specific information or the equation describing the relationship.

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As an AI language model, I strive to provide accurate information, but my responses are based on the input provided. Without specific information or details, it can be challenging to give a precise answer. Please provide more context or details for each question, and I will do my best to assist you further.

a. The constant of proportionality is a number that relates two variables in a proportional relationship. It represents the ratio of the change in the dependent variable to the change in the independent variable. The constant of proportionality is denoted by the letter "k" or sometimes as "m" in the equation y = mx, where m represents the constant of proportionality.

b. To write an equation that represents the linear graph, we need more information about the specific values and points on the graph. A linear graph can generally be represented by the equation y = mx + b, where m represents the slope of the line and b represents the y-intercept.

c. A proportional relationship is one in which the graph shows a straight line passing through the origin (0,0). This means that the relationship between the two variables can be expressed as a constant ratio. In other words, for every unit increase in the independent variable, there is a corresponding constant increase or decrease in the dependent variable.

a. To determine the constant of proportionality, you need to look at the given information or data. Having only the phrase "The constant of proportionality is" without any specific value or context makes it difficult to give a precise answer. If you have additional information or numbers related to the constant of proportionality, I can help you calculate it.

b. To write an equation that represents the linear graph, you need to have specific points or information about the graph. Without any numerical values or coordinates, it's not possible to determine the equation. If you have the coordinates of two points on the graph or any additional information, please share it, and I can guide you in writing the equation.

c. To determine if a relationship is proportional, look for consistent rates of change between the values on the graph. If the graph shows a straight line passing through the origin (0,0), then it is a proportional relationship. A proportional relationship means that as the independent variable increases, the dependent variable also increases by a consistent factor.