Give 1 term for moral reasoning characteristic middle childhood according to Lawrence Kohlberg

One term for moral reasoning characteristic in middle childhood according to Lawrence Kohlberg is "conventional morality."

One term for the moral reasoning characteristic in middle childhood, according to Lawrence Kohlberg, is "conventional morality."

The term for the moral reasoning characteristic in middle childhood, according to Lawrence Kohlberg, is "Conventional Reasoning."

Now, let me explain how you can arrive at this answer. Lawrence Kohlberg proposed a theory of moral development that consists of six stages, grouped into three main levels: pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional.

During middle childhood, typically between the ages of 7 and 12, children reach the second level of moral development called the "Conventional Level." In this level, individuals start to internalize societal norms and rules and develop an understanding of right and wrong based on what society deems as acceptable.

Within the conventional level, there are two main stages: Stage 3 - "Good Interpersonal Relationships," and Stage 4 - "Maintaining Social Order." These stages reflect the moral reasoning characteristic that is prominent during middle childhood.

Stage 3, "Good Interpersonal Relationships," is characterized by the child's desire to be seen as a good person by others. They seek approval from others and behave morally to maintain positive relationships and avoid disapproval or conflict.

Stage 4, "Maintaining Social Order," shifts the focus from interpersonal relationships to societal laws and rules. Children in this stage understand the importance of social order and believe that society should function smoothly with established rules and laws to maintain order and minimize chaos. Their moral reasoning is based on maintaining the broader social order rather than simply seeking approval.

Therefore, the term that best describes the moral reasoning characteristic during middle childhood, according to Kohlberg, is "Conventional Reasoning."