Which of the following stages is the last stage of testing before the product is released?






The last stage of testing before the product is released is commonly referred to as the "release" stage.

The last stage of testing before the product is released is the "release" stage. To determine this, you can refer to the typical software development lifecycle, which includes several stages of testing to ensure the product's quality and functionality.

1. Alpha Testing: This is the initial stage of testing where the software is tested internally by the developers. It may contain bugs and is not yet ready for widespread external use.

2. Beta Testing: After the alpha stage, the product is typically made available to a limited external audience for testing. Beta testers provide feedback on the software's usability, bugs, and any other issues they may encounter.

3. Release Candidate/Gold: Once the beta testing phase is complete and most of the known bugs and issues have been resolved, a release candidate or gold version is created. This version is considered to be stable and has all the intended features.

4. Release: The "release" stage is the final step where the product is officially launched and made available to the public or intended users. At this point, it is expected to be fully functional and free of major bugs.

Therefore, in the given options, "release" is the last stage of testing before the product is released.