Use the table to answer the question. White Blue 3 4 x 8 9 12 12 y For every 4 blue crayons in a box, there are 3 white ones. How many white crayons are there if there are 8 blue ones? How many blue crayons are there if there are 12 white ones? (1 point) Responses 9; 12 9; 12 6; 16 6; 16 12; 16 12; 16 4; 8 4; 8 Skip to navigation

From the given information, we know that for every 4 blue crayons, there are 3 white ones.

Using this ratio, we can determine the number of white crayons if there are 8 blue ones.

Since 8 is double 4, we can double the number of white crayons.

So, if there are 8 blue crayons, there would be 3 white crayons x 2 = 6 white crayons.

Therefore, the answer is 6; 16.

Similarly, if there are 12 white crayons, we can use the same ratio to find the number of blue crayons.

Since 12 is triple 4, we can triple the number of blue crayons.

So, if there are 12 white crayons, there would be 4 blue crayons x 3 = 12 blue crayons.

Therefore, the answer is 12; 16.

you sure

Apologies for the confusion. Let's reevaluate the problem using the correct information.

From the given table, we can see that for every 3 white crayons, there are 4 blue crayons.

To find the number of white crayons when there are 8 blue ones, we need to set up a proportion:

(3 white crayons) / (4 blue crayons) = x white crayons / 8 blue crayons

Solving for x, we have:

x = (3 white crayons / 4 blue crayons) * 8 blue crayons

x = 6 white crayons

Therefore, there would be 6 white crayons if there are 8 blue ones.

To find the number of blue crayons when there are 12 white ones, we set up the same proportion:

(3 white crayons) / (4 blue crayons) = 12 white crayons / x blue crayons

Solving for x, we have:

x = (4 blue crayons / 3 white crayons) * 12 white crayons

x = 16 blue crayons

Therefore, there would be 16 blue crayons if there are 12 white ones.

The correct answer is 6; 16.

are you sure

Apologies for the confusion. Let's reevaluate the problem using the correct information.

From the given table, we can see that for every 3 white crayons, there are 4 blue crayons.

To find the number of white crayons when there are 8 blue ones, we need to set up a proportion:

(3 white crayons) / (4 blue crayons) = x white crayons / 8 blue crayons

Cross-multiplying, we have:

4x = 3 * 8

4x = 24

Dividing both sides by 4, we find:

x = 6

Therefore, there would be 6 white crayons if there are 8 blue ones.

To find the number of blue crayons when there are 12 white ones, we again set up a proportion:

(3 white crayons) / (4 blue crayons) = 12 white crayons / x blue crayons

Cross-multiplying, we have:

3x = 4 * 12

3x = 48

Dividing both sides by 3, we find:

x = 16

Therefore, there would be 16 blue crayons if there are 12 white ones.

The correct answer is 6; 16.

To find out how many white crayons there are if there are 8 blue ones, we can look at the table. We know that for every 4 blue crayons, there are 3 white ones.

In this case, we have 8 blue crayons. To find the number of white crayons, we can set up a ratio:

4 blue crayons : 3 white crayons

8 blue crayons : x white crayons

We can cross multiply and solve for x:

4 * x = 8 * 3

4x = 24

x = 6

Therefore, there are 6 white crayons if there are 8 blue ones.

To find out how many blue crayons there are if there are 12 white ones, we can again refer to the table. We know that for every 4 blue crayons, there are 3 white ones.

In this case, we have 12 white crayons. To find the number of blue crayons, we can set up a ratio:

4 blue crayons : 3 white crayons

x blue crayons : 12 white crayons

We can cross multiply and solve for x:

4 * 12 = 3 * x

48 = 3x

x = 16

Therefore, there are 16 blue crayons if there are 12 white ones.

To answer the first question, we need to find how many white crayons there are if there are 8 blue ones. We can see from the table that for every 4 blue crayons, there are 3 white ones.

To solve this, we can set up a proportion:

(3 white crayons / 4 blue crayons) = (x white crayons / 8 blue crayons)

We can then cross multiply and solve for x:

4x = 3 * 8
4x = 24
x = 24 / 4
x = 6

Therefore, there are 6 white crayons if there are 8 blue ones.

To answer the second question, we need to find how many blue crayons there are if there are 12 white ones. Again, we can set up a proportion:

(3 white crayons / 4 blue crayons) = (12 white crayons / y blue crayons)

Cross multiplying and solving for y:

3y = 4 * 12
3y = 48
y = 48 / 3
y = 16

Therefore, there are 16 blue crayons if there are 12 white ones.