Which of the following options will allow you to insert a quick table?

A. Insert ribbon- shape drop down menu
B. Page layout ribbon - Columns drop down menu
C. Insert ribbon- Table drop down menu
D. Page layout ribbon- Breaks drop down menu

C. Insert ribbon- Table drop down menu

The correct option to insert a quick table is C. Insert ribbon - Table drop down menu.

To find out which of the options allows you to insert a quick table, we need to analyze each of the options given:

A. Insert ribbon - shape drop-down menu: The shapes drop-down menu does not contain an option for inserting a table.

B. Page layout ribbon - Columns drop-down menu: The columns drop-down menu is used to control the number and width of columns in a document. It does not include an option for inserting a table.

C. Insert ribbon - Table drop-down menu: The table drop-down menu in the insert ribbon contains various options for inserting tables, including the option to insert a quick table. Thus, option C is the correct choice for inserting a quick table.

D. Page layout ribbon - Breaks drop-down menu: The breaks drop-down menu in the page layout ribbon is used to insert various types of document breaks, such as page breaks or section breaks. It does not include an option for inserting a table.

In conclusion, the correct option for inserting a quick table is C. Insert ribbon - Table drop-down menu.