The primary ways to support great muscle health is by...

A)running and swimming
B)resistance exercise and dietary protein
C)doing yoga and pilates

B) resistance exercise and dietary protein

The primary ways to support great muscle health are by B) resistance exercise and dietary protein.

The correct answer is B) resistance exercise and dietary protein.

To support great muscle health, it is important to engage in resistance exercise and consume enough dietary protein. Let me explain how these factors contribute to muscle health.

1. Resistance exercise: Resistance exercise involves activities that make your muscles work against an external resistance, such as lifting weights, using resistance bands, or performing bodyweight exercises. This type of exercise helps build and strengthen muscles by causing tiny damage to muscle fibers. As the muscles repair themselves, they become stronger and more resilient. Regular resistance training also stimulates the production of growth factors that promote muscle growth and improve muscle function.

To incorporate resistance exercise into your routine, you can join a gym and use weight machines or free weights. Alternatively, you can perform bodyweight exercises at home, using your own body as resistance. Examples of bodyweight exercises include push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks.

2. Dietary protein: Protein is a vital nutrient for muscle health as it provides the building blocks necessary for muscle repair and growth. When you engage in resistance exercise, your muscles undergo a process called protein synthesis, where new muscle proteins are built. Consuming enough dietary protein helps facilitate this process and allows your muscles to recover and grow stronger.

Good sources of dietary protein include lean meats (such as chicken, turkey, and fish), dairy products (like Greek yogurt and cottage cheese), eggs, legumes (such as beans and lentils), and plant-based protein sources (such as tofu and quinoa).

It's worth noting that running and swimming (option A) contribute to cardiovascular health and overall fitness, but they are not specifically targeted toward building and maintaining muscle strength. Yoga and pilates (option C) can improve flexibility and core strength but may not provide the same level of resistance and muscle-building benefits as resistance exercise. While meditation (option D) promotes mental well-being, it does not directly impact muscle health.

Therefore, the most effective ways to support great muscle health are through regular resistance exercise and ensuring an adequate intake of dietary protein.