Divide 86√2. Provide an exact answer

To divide 86√2 exactly, we need to find the rationalized form of the expression.

Here's how we can do it:

When dividing by a square root, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator. The conjugate of √2 is -√2.

So, multiplying 86 by -√2 in both the numerator and denominator, we get:
(86√2) / ( √2 * √2)

Simplifying the denominator:
(86√2) / (2)

Dividing 86 by 2:
(43√2) / 1

Therefore, the exact answer is 43√2.

To divide 86√2, you can simplify the expression by rationalizing the denominator.

1. Start by dividing the numerator (86) by the denominator (√2):
86 / √2

2. To rationalize the denominator, multiply both the numerator and denominator by √2:
(86 / √2) * (√2 / √2)
(86√2) / 2

3. Simplify by dividing 86√2 by 2:

Therefore, the exact answer for dividing 86√2 is 43√2.

To divide 86√2 and provide an exact answer, we need to rationalize the denominator. Rationalizing the denominator means eliminating any square roots in the denominator.

In this case, the denominator is √2. To rationalize it, we can multiply both the numerator and denominator by √2.

(86√2)/(√2) = (86√2 * √2) / (√2 * √2) = (86 * 2) / 2 = 172 / 2 = 86

Thus, the exact answer after dividing 86√2 is simply 86.