Divide √95 / 3√5. Provide an exact answer.

To divide √95 by 3√5, we can simplify the expression as follows:

√95 = √(19 * 5) = √19 * √5

So the expression becomes:

(√19 * √5) / 3√5

Since the square root of 5 appears in both the numerator and denominator, it cancels out:

√19 / 3

Therefore, the exact answer is √19 / 3.

To divide √95/3√5, we can simplify it step by step.

Step 1: Simplify the square roots individually.
√95 = √(5 * 19)
3√5 = 3√(5)

Step 2: Simplify further if possible.
√(5 * 19) = √5 * √19

Step 3: Divide the simplified square roots.
(√5 * √19)/(3√5)

Step 4: Simplify and cancel out common factors.
(√5 * √19)/(3√5) = √19/3

Therefore, the exact answer for √95/3√5 is √19/3.

To divide √95 by 3√5, we can simplify the expression as follows:

√95 can be written as √(5 * 19), and 3√5 can be written as √(3^2 * 5).

Now, let's simplify both expressions further:

√(5 * 19) = √5 * √19

√(3^2 * 5) = 3 * √5

So now we have (√5 * √19) / (3 * √5).

Since √5 is present in both the numerator and denominator, we can cancel them out, leaving:

(√19) / 3.

Therefore, the exact answer to the expression √95 / 3√5 is (√19) / 3.